Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding 2025-01-07T23:32:09+07:00 Munaya Fauziah Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Cover MIPHMC" width="272" height="384" /></a></p> <p style="font-size: 16px; text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="color: #005680;">MIPHMC : </span></strong>Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding (MIPHMP) 2021, an international scientific event that brings together health and medical expert, researchers, scholar, policy maker to share experience, exchange information, and discuss about our conference theme, Management of Tuberculosis control in the COVID-19 Pandemic era. Tuberculosis remains problem in many countries. Indonesia is one of the countries that has challenge to combat the Tuberculosis. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the attention for its countermeasure while the Tuberculosis cases cannot be neglected. Therefore, this conference aims to encourage people’s awareness how to manage Tuberculosis during COVID-19 Pandemic. This agenda will be held virtually hosted by the Faculty of Public Health and Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta. This event also has collaboration with The Indonesia Public Health Association (IPHA) Jakarta Region, Indonesian Doctor Association, and Indonesian Midwife Association.<br /><br />E-ISSN: 2808-5361</p> <p style="font-size: 16px; text-align: justify;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MIPHMP: </a>This Proceeding include but not limited to: Epidemiology, Health Promotion, Environmental Health, Occupational Health and Safety, Reproductive Health, Population Study, Medicine, Maternal and Child Health, Pediatrics, Surgery and Internal Medicine.</p> HEALTH STATUS AND HEALTH SERVICE UTILIZATION IN RETIREMENT 2024-08-20T14:45:32+07:00 Cahya Edi Prastyo Ascobat Gani <p><em>Demographic Transition leads to changes in disease patterns, affecting retired workers and their spouses in the mining industry as they transition into retirement. This study examines the health status of retirees and their spouses and its impact on health service utilization. This descriptive cross-sectional study gathered data from 1644 retirees and their spouses receiving Employer Sponsored retiree health services in Indonesia in 2023. The study revealed that 65.9% of respondents had a history of chronic diseases, with 35.02% having more than one chronic disease. Most respondents of retired workers were men (90.93%), and most spouses were women (78.4%). Chronic diseases were higher among women. Health service utilization increased with age and was higher among those with a history of chronic diseases. Those with chronic diseases utilized health services more frequently than those without, indicating a 3.4 times increase in utilization. Retirees are susceptible to chronic diseases and multimorbidity, with female spouses being particularly vulnerable. Multimorbidity adversely impacts the frequency of health service utilization.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding ORAL AND DENTAL CARE SEEKING BEHAVIOUR AMONG ELDERLY PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS IN INDONESIA 2024-08-20T14:38:49+07:00 Wisnu Fadila Riza Fatma Arifa <p><em>Elderly patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) are susceptible to oral health problems. These issues may affect their oral health-related quality of life (OHR-QoL) such as speaking, eating, and other routines. Therefore, this type of patient needs to seek oral and dental care (ODC). This study examines the sociodemographic facets of ODC-seeking behavior among elderly DM patients in Indonesia by analyzing the 2021 Indonesia Healthcare and Social Security Agency (IHSSA) secondary dataset on first-level healthcare facility visits. This study's samples included 55,291 elderly patients aged 60 years and over, and 634,730 visits to FKTP overall. The analysis was conducted using percentages and cross-tabulations. The study finds that the proportion of ODC visits at the national level is extremely low (1.1%) and the proportion of patients who have oral health complications is likewise (6.6%). It appears that DM patients aged 60-69 (77.8%), male patients (78.6%), single patients (78%), and IHSS non-subsidy members (78.5%) are more likely to seek out ODC than their counterparts. The majority of DM patients have pulp and periapical diseases (46.5%), followed by gingival and periodontal diseases (20.3%), and dental caries (11.8%). There are also disparities among those variables on a regional level. Our study highlights the necessity of preventive action to minimize oral health problems and enhance OHR-QoL among elderly DM patients in Indonesia, by improving oral health education and regular oral examinations.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding TREND OF MALARIA TRANSMISSION 2018-2022 AND ELIMINATION AGENDA IN MAPPI DISTRICT 2024-08-20T14:49:43+07:00 Doni Lasut Maria Holly Herawati <p><em>The WHO Global Malaria Programme (GMP) oversees and directs the global initiatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) aimed at controlling and eradicating malaria.. Its work is guided by the "Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016–2030. Mappi district a high endemic area in South Papua Province was still combat to eliminate malaria transmission. However, the spread and transmission of malaria differ across different regions. The study sought to analyze the distribution and extent of malaria over a five-year period within the Mappi District and the operational areas of its Public Health Centers (PHCs). A Retrospective study was Weekly surveillance data was gathered over a five-year period from 2018 to 2022. The data was collected from health facilities and private clinics, archived at zonal Public Health Centers (PHCs), and conducted in the intentionally selected Mappi District in South Papua Province. The data was gathered, entered, cleaned, analyzed, and interpreted using Microsoft Excel 2019. Various tables, figures, and maps were employed to display the results. Age 15-64 (41%) was the highest proportion of cases, with male proportion (</em><em>54,46%) </em><em>higher than female(45,54%), Paracites were dominated by Plasmodium falciparum (65,84%), Malaria test are dominated by microscope (56,25%) than RDT (43,75%), Average Annual Paracites Index (API) was 46,9 per 1000. The trend shows us elimination as GMP and National Strategy in Indonesia in 2030 need more effort to decrease the malaria transmission in Mappi District, The most prevalent malaria parasite species were Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. The magnitude of API at Kumaban, Sammad, and Sekko area. Attention is required to expand vector control measures during periods of high malaria transmission.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding FACTORS THAT RELATED TO THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE ON CONTRACEPTIVE INJECTION USERS IN THE DISTRICT OF PUSKESMAS SETU 1 IN 2023 2024-08-26T15:31:06+07:00 Dalila Eka Saffanah Mizna Sabila Rusman Efendi Luqman Effendi <p><!--StartFragment--></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: 150%;"><em>Significant population growth can have an impact on several things, such as malnutrition that cannot be handled, and some social facilities that are not yet qualified. One of the ways to control population growth is through the KB (birth control) program. However, the use of KB can trigger health problems such as disturbances or changes in the menstrual cycle. This research is quantitative research with analytical methods and used cross-sectional as the study design. The sample for this study was 64 KB acceptors in the District of Puskesmas Setu 1, who were taken using the Probability Proportionate to Size (PPS) technique. Based on the analysis test, there were 4 out of 5 independent variables that correlated with the menstrual cycle, there is nutritional status (p-value 0.010); duration of use (p-value 0.003); re-use compliance (p-value 0.000), while the age variable does not correlate with the menstrual cycle (p-value = 0.755). There is a significant correlation between variables, that is nutritional status, duration of use, and re-use compliance. Suggestions for KB acceptors is to always consult with experts regarding appropriate contraception and the long-term effects that are likely to be obtained.</em></p> <p><!--EndFragment--></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding EARLY DETECTION RISK FACTORS OF PREECLAMPSIA: SCOPING REVIEW 2024-08-20T14:26:56+07:00 Siti Sopiatun Asri C. Adisasmita <p><em>Preeclampsia (PE) is a multisystem disorder affecting 2%-5% of pregnancies and remains a leading contributor to maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, particularly in cases of early onset. The disorder, commonly emerging around the 20th week of gestation, has a prevalence of approximately 14.1% and is a frequent pregnancy complication. This scoping review aims to examine recent studies on the early detection of pre-eclampsia risk factors. Articles published between 2016 and 2021 were sourced from databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Science Direct. Nine studies met the inclusion criteria. These studies explore prediction models for gestational hypertension and preeclampsia, with three focusing on symptoms, signs, laboratory tests, biomarkers, and other associated risk factors. One study highlights family history, obesity, chronic illness, anemia, and lack of ANC visits as contributing factors. Two articles address the management of preeclampsia through initiatives like the PRE-EMPT (Eclampsia Monitoring, Prevention, and Treatment), while others emphasize community-level interventions and healthcare provider education (CLIP). Effective early detection models are essential to reduce preeclampsia incidence and prevent maternal and fetal mortality</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding IDENTIFICATION OF MALARIA INCIDENCE IN LANGKAT REGENCY NORTH SUMATERA PROVINCE 2024-09-12T11:38:11+07:00 Rahmadani Sitepu Irnawati Marsaulina Nurmaini Taufik Ashar <p><em>Malaria was transmitted through the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes which is still a threat to global health including Indonesia which is a tropical country. This study aimed to identify the number of malaria cases in Langkat Regency, North Sumatera province. This research used a descriptive approach using secondary data on malaria at the North Sumatra Provincial Health Office and the Langkat District Health Office. Secondary data was viewed and identified based on the annual report on malaria incidence from 2016 to 2021. There were 125 cases of malaria in Langkat Regency in 2016. In 2017 a total of 93 cases of malaria were recorded with the highest cases in Kuala District (41.9%) and the lowest in Bahorok District (3.2%).</em> <em>There were 51 confirmed cases of malaria in 2018, with Kuala District having the greatest number of cases </em><em>(54.9%) and the lowest in Padang Tualang District (2%). In 2019, there were 10 malaria cases with the highest cases in Kuala District (40%) and the lowest in Kutambaru District (10%). </em><em>There were 26 cases of malaria reported in 2020, with Kutambaru District having the greatest percentage of infections (84.6%)</em><em>, and in 2021 Kutambaru District had a highest cases of malaria (91.2%) from 34 total cases. There was a decrease in the incidence of malaria from 2016 to 2019, but it increased again in 2020 and 2021. Serious attention is needed from all related parties, such as the Langkat Regency government, the North Sumatra Provincial Hhealth Office, or the Langkat Regency health office.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding HUSBAND'S SUPPORT FOR MATERNAL MENTAL HEALTH POSTPARTUM: DOES THE HUSBAND'S EDUCATION PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE? 2024-08-26T14:58:49+07:00 Tri Wurisastuti Santi Martini Siti Masitoh <p><em>The presence and support of the husband play an important role in maintaining the mental health of young mothers after childbirth. where the mother depends on her husband for all decisions and the husband's education aspect may play an important role. The purpose of this research is to prove the influence of husband education on maternal mental health after childbirth. This study used the data cross-sectional of Basic Health Research 2018 with the analysis sample being mothers aged 15-24 years who had just given birth for a maximum of six months and were still married. Maternal mental problems within one month were measured using Self-Reported Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20), This questionnaire consists of twenty questions with two answer choices; yes and no. A cut-off score of less than six stated to have postpartum mental problems. Multiple logistic regression was used in this analysis. Young postpartum mothers (n=755; 21 + 2.23 years; 37 + 2.31 weeks of pregnancy at birth), of which, There were 66 (8.7%) mothers had general mental problems. The results of the analysis stated that working mothers who have husbands with education below high school have a risk of postpartum mental problems five times (AOR = 5.36; 95% CI 1.398 – 2.552; p =0.014) higher than mothers with husbands educated above high school. Education is still an important part of overcoming health problems in Indonesia. Limiting the minimum age of marriage is also important so that the younger generation focuses on achieving their education, before entering the marriage level.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding AGING AND PUBLIC POLICY: SHAPING INCLUSIVE HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS FOR THE ELDERLY IN GIANYAR REGENCY, BALI 2024-09-09T13:59:44+07:00 Made Indra Wijaya <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt;">The rapid aging of the global population presents significant challenges for public policy, requiring comprehensive strategies to meet the diverse needs of the elderly. This study focuses on the elderly population in Gianyar Regency, Bali, analyzing their healthcare access, usage patterns, obstacles, and satisfaction levels. The research aims to assess healthcare access and utilization among the elderly, identify barriers they face, and evaluate their satisfaction to inform the development of inclusive health policies. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 500 elderly participants from various sub-districts in Gianyar Regency. Data were collected through structured interviews and surveys, covering demographics, healthcare access, utilization, barriers, and satisfaction. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for analysis. Most elderly individuals prefer community health centers (puskesmas) for healthcare, citing trust and accessibility. However, transportation, financial constraints, and mobility issues hinder regular visits. A significant correlation was found between demographic factors (age, gender, living arrangements) and healthcare access and satisfaction. Elderly individuals living alone often delay or avoid seeking care due to limited support. High satisfaction with puskesmas highlights their key role in elderly care. The findings align with regional trends in Southeast Asia and offer insights for policymakers. Addressing barriers and enhancing puskesmas services can improve healthcare for the elderly in Gianyar and similar regions. Policymakers should focus on expanding puskesmas, improving transportation, and strengthening financial support to ensure accessible and inclusive healthcare for the elderly, promoting healthy aging.</span></em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding ERGONOMIC RISK LEVEL OF MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS (MSDS) COMPLAINTS IN SHILA SAWANGAN HOUSING PROJECT WORKERS IN DEPOK CITY IN 2023 2024-09-03T10:47:31+07:00 Rendy Andrianto Triana Srisantyorini <p><em>Musculoskeletal disorders is a disease that has complaints on skeletal muscles, these skeletal muscles are muscles that have a role as a skeletal mover. The study aimed to describe the level of ergonomic risk for the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDS) in workers at the Shila Sawangan housing development project in Depok City in 2023. The type of research being conducted was quantitative descriptive research. The design used in this study is cross-sectional </em><em>which is done by observing all work processes carried out and conducting interviews regarding MSDS complaints suffered by workers to assess the risk level of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDS) using the Rapid Entire Based Assessment (REBA) research tool and using the Nordic Body Map questionnaire (N.B.M.). Based on the results of the study, the age range of more than 30 years totaled 40 people with a percentage of 57%, the working period of 2 years and over totaled 47 people with a percentage of 67%, at a percentage of 79%, 55 workers did not exercise, as many as 73% of workers a total of 51 people did not stretch their muscles before starting work, then based on the results of the Nordic body Map questionnaire in the age range of 30 years and over there were only 38 workers experiencing complaints on body parts, while in the age range of 30 years and under there were 9 workers who experienced complaints on parts of the body, it is influenced by many factors such as working period, workload, physical activity, and body posture that is not ideal. </em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding FACTORS RELATED TO BURNOUT ON NURSES IN THE CITY OF TANGERANG SOUTH HOSPITAL IN 2023 2024-09-03T10:45:00+07:00 Adinda Rizki Amalia Munaya Fauziah <p><em>The Ministry of Health data as of 4 January 2023, recorded there were 524.508 nurses. In addition, nurses also have high responsibilities, and job demands cause vulnerable nurses to burnout. To determine the factors associated with burnout among nurses in the public hospital city of Tangerang. This study used the method with a cross-sectional study design of 55 samples. Sampling is done using a stratified random sampling technique, then sample selection using the method of simple random sampler. Data collection is done using a questionnaire. The study was conducted using the Chi-square test. There was a relationship with burnout in nurses, as the level of education (p = 0,028), marriage status ( p = 0.000), working time (p=0,050), social support (p= 0,022), conflict (P = 0,000), disturbance of the community system in work (p &gt; 0,012), and isolation (0,010). While gender (p = 0.686), and age (p=0,039) are not related to burnout in nurses. This study concludes that factors related to burnout in nurses are education levels, marital status, working time, social support, conflict, disturbance of community systems at work, and isolation. Meanwhile, gender and age are not associated with burnout in nurses. </em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NURSE PERFORMANCE AT THE INPATIENT INSTALLATION OF THE SOUTH TANGERANG CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL IN 2023 2024-09-03T10:40:44+07:00 Sahira Ristania Jahra Noor Latifah Fini Fajrini Hardiman SG <p><em>The primary focus of health services is nurse performance since maintaining and enhancing the quality of health services requires assessment. A bridge to guaranteeing the caliber of services rendered to patients is good performance. The fact that performance statistics did not rise by 50% between 2013 and 2015—the target performance criterion is 70–80%—indicates that performance levels among Indonesian nurses are still very poor and have not significantly improved. Data on nurse performance at RSU Kota Tangerang Selatan for the years 2019 (82%), 2020 (85.4%), 2021 (74.3%), and 2022 (75.8%). It is well known that in 2021–2022, nurses' performance did not meet the 80% target. Finding the variables associated with nurses' performance at the South Tangerang City Public Hospital's inpatient installation in 2023 was the aim of this study. This study's methodology combined a cross-sectional study design with a quantitative approach. With 59 respondents overall, complete sampling was the sample strategy employed in this investigation. The data was analyzed using the chi-square test and SPSS software. Age, gender, education, and years of service did not correlate with nursing performance, according to the bivariate analysis (p-value 0.503; 0.481; 0.219; 0.814 &gt; 0.05). However, there was a correlation between nurse performance and the work environment (p-value 0.000 &lt; 0.05) and work discipline (p-value 0.008 &lt;0.05). </em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding FAMILY SUPPORT FOR PEOPLE WITH HIV AND AIDS (PLWHA) 2024-10-28T15:29:09+07:00 Dewi Purnamawati Nurfadhilah <p><em>This study aims to describe family support for People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA). This research is a quantitative descriptive study. The study was conducted at Puskesmas Bogor Tengah, Bogor. The population was PLWHA and the sample of 50 was taken randomly. Data were collected using a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the average age of respondents was 29.6 years, the average length of illness was 5.9 years, 86% were male, 42% had high school education, 76% were unmarried and 66% of PLWHA had insufficient family support such as lacked information support (49%), service support (45.1%), financial support (35.3%), appreciation support (33.3%), and emotional support (31.4%). Family support is needed to increase the resilience of PLWHA in improving their quality of life.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding PROTEIN CONSUMPTION, ANEMIA, AND SLEEP QUALITY AS DETERMINANTS OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS IN ADOLESCENT GIRLS 2024-10-28T14:39:16+07:00 Wazha Lidini Hanifah Tria Astika Endah Permatasari <p><em>This study aims to investigate the relationship between protein intake, anemia, and sleep quality on the nutritional status of adolescent girls at Pondok Pesantren Bani Tamim. The research design is cross-sectional, involving a sample of 70 randomly selected adolescent girls. Data collection was conducted using the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) to assess food intake and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) to measure sleep quality. The Chi-Square statistical analysis revealed a significant association between animal protein intake and nutritional status (p=0.003), whereas no significant link was identified between plant protein intake and nutritional status (p=1.000). The study also found no significant relationship between anemia and nutritional status (p=1.000). However, sleep quality showed a significant association with nutritional status (p=0.005), with most over-nourished adolescents sleeping less than 5 hours per day. Lack of sleep can disrupt hormonal regulation that controls appetite, increasing the risk of obesity. The low intake of animal protein at the boarding school was due to the limited supply of animal-based foods, while the adolescents tended to consume plant-based proteins such as tofu and tempeh. These findings highlight the importance of increasing animal protein intake and improving sleep quality to support optimal nutritional status in adolescent girls.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding HYGIENE AND SANITATION OF SCHOOL CANTEEN (COMPARATIVE STUDY OF 9 PUBLIC JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS IN KEBAYORAN LAMA DISTRICT, JAKARTA SELATAN CITY) YEAR 2023 2024-09-03T10:38:57+07:00 Ernyasih Dian Anggraeni Nurmalia Lusida Andriyani <p><em>The quality and cleanliness of food greatly affect the health of the humans who consume it, so one of the places for buying selling, and processing food that can affect the health of many people is the school canteen. School canteens must meet hygiene and health requirements to create a healthy canteen environment. The purpose of this study was to describe the Hygiene and Sanitation of Public Junior High School Canteens in Kebayoran Lama District. The method in this research is descriptive using a qualitative approach. Collecting data in this study by observation and interviews with data collection tools using interview guidelines, observation sheets (checklists), and documentation tools. The results of this study were the cleanliness of food handlers, the location and building of the canteen, the garbage disposal, and the washing hands of 9 canteens did not meet the requirements (100%), the clean water of 8 canteens met the requirements (89%), SPAL 5 canteens met the requirements (56%) and 2 places for washing equipment meets the requirements (22%). This study concludes that most school canteens do not meet hygiene and sanitation requirements according to the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No 1096 of 2011, so efforts to improve, supervise, and train-related parties are needed.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INCIDENCE OF LBW IN THE SERPONG 2 HEALTH CENTER WORK AREA, SOUTH TANGERANG CITY IN 2022 2024-09-03T10:38:00+07:00 Ummu Kulsum Nurmalia Lusida Ernyasih Andriyani <p><em>A baby who weighs less than 2,500 grams at delivery is considered low birth weight. Since low birth weight affects 15% to 20% of all infants worldwide, or more than 20 million babies annually, it is regarded as a serious public health concern. It is the tenth most common low birth weight condition in Indonesia, with a prevalence rate of 9.97%. According to the findings of the 2021 Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI), which is conducted at the district or city level, the country's low birth weight case rate has risen to 6.6%. Finding the factors linked to the occurrence of LBW in the Serpong 2 Health Center's Work Area in South Tangerang City in 2022 was the aim of this study. The chi-square test was used to analyze secondary data collected for this study from the 2022 Field Learning Experience of the Faculty of Public Health, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta. With No.10.134.B/KEPK-FKMUMJ/VI/2023, the The Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta's, Faculty of Public Health's Health Research Ethics Committee granted ethical approval for this study. The findings indicated a strong correlation between the incidence of LBW and the prenatal care visits made by mothers. There is no significant correlation between the occurrence of LBW and maternal concerns, age, education, employment position, or parity. </em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding DESCRIPTION OF PRESDISPOSING FACTORS FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOR IN SANGGAR BIMBINGAN HULU LANGAT, MALAYSIA 2023 2024-09-03T10:30:19+07:00 Khilda Nur Hurriyah Ernyasih <p><em>The waste problem has developed into a serious problem that affects society as a whole, especially in urban areas, in many countries due to population growth, and social and economic activities. As long as humans live on Earth, the amount of waste produced by humans will continue to increase. Garbage is one of the results of human activity, and the amount of waste increases along with population. (Hartono, 2008). This type of research is descriptive quantitative research with the design used being cross-sectional which emphasizes measuring/observing independent and dependent variable data only once at a time. This research was carried out by distributing questionnaires which were then filled in independently by the respondents. The respondents for this research were 35 students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 elementary school students at Sanggar Guidance Hulu Langat. The sample in this study was taken from the entire student population. Then the data was analyzed using univariate analysis. The results show that there are 74.3% of respondents aged ≥ 6 – 12 years, the majority of respondents are male, namely 21 (60%), as many as 77.1% of respondents have good knowledge about waste management, and the majority of respondents, namely 74.3%, already have positive attitudes towards waste management. Students with good knowledge were 77.1%, and the majority of respondents 74.3% had positive attitudes towards waste management. Suggestions for students.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding DESCRIPTION OF FOOD HYGIENE SANITATION IN FOODCOURT CANTEEN OF THE UNIVERSITY MUHAMMADIYAH JAKARTA 2024-09-03T10:43:04+07:00 Nadhifah Salsabila Temaspraba Munaya Fauziah Nurmalia Lusida Ernyasih <p><em>Food hygiene has an important role in ensuring that the food consumed is safe and healthy so that you can avoid illness. Based on the annual report of the Center for Drug and Food Data and Information in 2019, there were 6,205 data on poisoning cases. The most common causes of poisoning based on food were household processed foods (265 cases), processed catering services (97 cases), and processed snacks (43 cases). This study aimed to find out the description of the hygiene and sanitation of street food in the food court canteen at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with in-depth interviews and observation methods. The research location is in the food court canteen at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta. The independent variables studied were food handlers, equipment, water, foodstuffs, additives, serving, vendor suggestions, and traders' centers. The informants in this study were 10 snack food vendors, 1 person in charge of the canteen, and 1 cleaning officer. The results of this study are that the hygiene and sanitation behavior of food handlers is good, but food sellers are still not disciplined in using aprons. The equipment used is always cleaned and kept in a clean place. The use of water, food ingredients, and additives is by the requirements, but in the process of serving the food served is not covered or does not use a cover. Vendors' facilities and traders' centers are good and overall meet the requirements of Kepmenkes No. 942 of 2003. The weight assessment was also carried out and the result was 86%. </em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERSONAL HYGIENE AND SKIN DISEASES IN SCAVENGERS AT THE BANTAR GEBANG INTEGRATED WASTE TREATMENT PLACE (TPST), CIKETING UDIK VILLAGE, BANTAR GEBANG SUB-DISTRICT, BEKASI CITY IN 2023 2024-09-03T10:44:03+07:00 Auliya Rahmah Nur Romdhona Ernyasih Fini Fajrini <p><em>Due to their involvement with trash and unclean surroundings, scavengers are more likely to get skin conditions. According to the Ciketing Udik Health Center profile, skin illness was the most prevalent ailment in 2021, accounting for 382 occurrences. The purpose of this study was to ascertain how the prevalence of skin diseases among scavengers at the Bantar Gebang Integrated Waste Treatment Site (TPST), Ciketing Udik Village, Bantar Gebang District, in 2023 related to skin hygiene, hand, foot, and nail hygiene, clothing cleanliness, and hair hygiene. This study design is cross-sectional and employs a descriptive-analytic research methodology. An incidental sampling strategy was used to get a sample of 60 individuals, and a chi square test was used for analysis. An incidental sampling strategy was used to get a sample of 60 individuals, and a chi square test was used for analysis. The findings indicate that the incidence of skin illness among scavengers at Bantar TPST Gebang Ciketing Udik Village is correlated with skin cleanliness (pv=0.000), hand, foot, and nail hygiene (pv=0.000), garment cleanliness (pv=0.000), and hair hygiene (pv=0.002). The prevalence of skin diseaseses is correlated with the cleanliness of the skin, hands, feet, and nails as well as the cleanliness of clothing and hair. Dermatitis, urticaria, and tinea versicolor are the most prevalent skin conditions. Personal hygiene (skin, hands, feet, nails, clothing, and hair) is recommended for scavengers. It is recommended that the puskesmas conduct thorough and recurring counseling in the interim.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding RISK FACTORS FOR DIARRHEA IN TODDLERS AGED 12-59 MONTHS AT THE CIKETING UDIK HEALTH CENTER, BEKASI CITY IN 2022 2024-08-28T13:08:59+07:00 Shafira Sulistiani Munaya Fauziah Andriyani Nurmalia Lusida <p><em>Dehydration is a common side effect of diarrhea, which can have major repercussions if left untreated. When it comes to nutrition and health, toddlers are a particularly sensitive age group. Diarrhea is common in the residential area next to the landfill because of contaminated water sources and inadequate sanitation. This study used a cross-sectional, quantitative research methodology to identify the risk factors for diarrhea in children aged 12 to 59 months at the Ciketing Udik Health Center in Bekasi City in 2022. moms of toddlers in Pomegranate Posyandu 1–5 at the Ciketing Udik Health Center in Bekasi City comprised the study's population, and there were 98 moms in all. This was obtained by the use of stratified sampling. The findings demonstrated that maternal knowledge P-value (0.001), hand washing behavior P-value (0.013), mother's habit of purchasing food outside P-value (0.046), and compliance with zinc tablet administration P-value (0.016) were the factors most significantly linked to the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers aged 1–5 years at Puskesmas Ciketing Udik Bekasi City. These findings suggest that the occurrence of diarrhea in toddlers is correlated with maternal education, hand-washing practices, eating-out behaviors, and adherence to zinc tablet delivery. In order to prevent diarrhea, moms of young children might take precautions as soon as feasible.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding FACTORS RELATED TO SAFE DRIVING BEHAVIOR IN STUDENTS AT SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 1 PEKANBARU 2024-08-28T13:37:36+07:00 Syifa Rahmah Fadila Januar Ariyanto Dadang Herdiansyah Andriyani <p><em>Safety Riding is a way of driving that is safe and comfortable for a rider against other riders. Based on data from the Pekanbaru Police Traffic Unit in the last 3 years (2018-2020) there have been 576 traffic accidents due to safety riding issues such as not using personal protective equipment, not obeying traffic signs, driving at high speed, and driving in underage. motor vehicle. good traffic awareness and safe driving behavior are needed for the community, especially among teenagers, such as in Pekanbaru. This study was to determine the relationship between knowledge level and safe driving behavior (safety riding) in class XII students at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. This research is a quantitative research using analytic methods using a cross sectional approach which will take a sample of 216 students by using the two proportions difference hypothesis test. Analysis with chi square</em><em> = 0,05. Data collection used a questionnaire with ethical number No.10.169.B/KEPK- FKMUMJ/VI/2023. Related variables include knowledge variable with p-value 0.021, attitude variable with p-value 0.010, gender variable with p-value 0.006, SIM ownership variable with p-value 0.044, driving period variable with p-value 0.005, distance variable travel with a p-value of 0.009. while the variables that have no relationship include, the age variable with a p-value of 0.864. The level of knowledge related to safe driving behavior is knowledge, attitude, gender, driving license ownership, driving period, and mileage. For Pekanbaru Police, they should pay more attention to and provide education to schools about driving safety from an early age so that it is hoped that this will reduce the risk of accidents in young adults because they have received knowledge from an early age.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding MARKETING MIX RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS ON OUTPATIENT LOYALTY AT SOUTH TANGERANG CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL IN 2023 2024-09-03T10:42:07+07:00 Deviliena Assyifa Noor Latifah Fini Fajrini Hardiman SG <p><em>Observing the high volume of patient visits, particularly in outpatient facilities, and the number of hospital contests in Indonesia. Therefore, in order to keep patients loyal to the hospital and make sure that their health treatments are in line with their target market, hospitals need to create marketing plans. One of them uses the marketing mix as a strategy to accomplish its objectives. Product, price, place, promotion, person, method, and tangible evidence are the seven components of marketing mixes. According to data on outpatient visits to South Tangerang City Hospital, there was a notable decline of 173,653 visits in 2019, followed by 119,020 visits in 2020 and 103,643 visits in 2021. However, there was an increase of 124,618 visits in 2022. Finding out how the marketing mix and outpatient loyalty at South Tangerang City Hospital in 2023 relate to one another was the aim of this study. Using a cross-sectional methodology and an outpatient sample, this study was carried out at South Tangerang City Hospital between February and June 2023. Purposive sampling was used to select 120 respondents for the sample. The chi-square test was used for the bivariate analysis. Seven marketing mix variables—product (pvalue=0.000), price (pvalue=0.000), place (pvalue=0.014), promotion (pvalue=0.000), person (pvalue=0.004), process (pvalue=0.000), and physical evidence (pvalue=0.002)—and their relationship to outpatient loyalty at South Tangerang City Hospital in 2023.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding ANALYSIS OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) AMONG HIGH WORKERS ACCORDING TO HEALTH BELIEF MODEL THEORY 2024-11-07T09:10:47+07:00 Raihan Alhafizh Anugrah Illahi Luqman Effendi Dihartawan Dadang Herdiansyah <p><em>Several studies were conducted in the United States as well. An incident that occurred in the United States affected workers with a percentage of 85% of people examined who fell, due to not using the prescribed personal protective equipment. 70% of all fall incidents are due to lack of use of personal protective equipment. Employees in the construction industry who do not wear personal protection equipment have a threefold increased risk of getting hurt. to examine how personal protective equipment is used by high-altitude workers in the apartment complex known as The Savyavasa Luxury Residence. This study employs a cross-sectional methodology and is quantitative in nature. Seventy respondents participated in this study. According to the study's findings, 42 (60%) of the employees behaved compliantly when wearing PPE. Cues to action (0.043), perceived advantages (0.00), perceived susceptibility (P=0.005), perceived severity (0.001), self-efficacy (0.007), knowledge factors (P=0.000), and variables unrelated to the obstacle variable (0.808). The conclusion that can be drawn is that almost all variables from the health belief model can predict compliance behavior in using personal protective equipment Companies can conduct outreach regarding PPE about the advantages and disadvantages of not using PPE. Give more attention to new workers regarding compliance with the use of PPE.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE AND MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT WITH COMPLIANCE WITH THE USE OF PPE FOR HEIGHT WORKERS IN THE SAVYAVASA LUXURY RESIDENCE PROJECT IN 2024 2024-10-03T16:55:23+07:00 Ronaldi Muhamad Farhan Azizah Zen Dihartawan Triana Srisantyorini <p><em>Work accidents hurt workers' performance, therefore the K3 program created and the K3 culture embedded in workers aims to reduce the number of work accidents and improve workers' performance. Worker compliance can be a factor that can have a positive impact on work safety. Data from BPJS Employment shows that the national number of work accidents in 2021 was 7,298 work accident cases in general and 417 cases in the city of DKI Jakarta in particular, 49 of which were due to falls from heights. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how high-altitude workers at The Savyavasa Luxury Residence Project in 2024 relate to management knowledge, commitment, and PPE use compliance. The purpose of this study is to determine the association between management knowledge and commitment and use compliance using quantitative methodologies and a cross-sectional approach. PPE for workers at heights. Seventy employees of The Savyavasa Luxury Residence Project in 2024 made up the study's population. The study's findings indicate a correlation between management commitment and PPE use compliance (p-value = 0.006) as well as a correlation between knowledge and PPE usage compliance (p-value = 0.040). The conclusion that can be made is that management commitment, awareness, and compliance with the usage of personal protective equipment (PPE) for high-altitude workers are related. Employee education, workplace inspections, and the assessment and management of current issues by business regulations are all expected of the organization.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS RELATED TO THE PERFORMANCE OF NURSES IN THE INPATIENT INSTALLATION AT RUMAH SAKIT TERPADU (RST) DOMPET DHUAFA BOGOR IN 2023 2024-10-03T09:47:19+07:00 Alda Cahya Kumala Sari Fini Fajrini <p><em>Nurse performance is a work behavior carried out by nurses in providing nursing care to patients in which there is an implementation of an action plan so that the patient's needs are met optimally. Based on the results of a previous study at RST Dompet Dhuafa Bogor, 65.2% of nurses experienced poor performance. This study aims to find out "Motivational Factors Related to Nurse Performance in Inpatient Installations at RST Dompet Dhuafa Bogor in 2023". The research was conducted in November 2022 - May 2023 at RST Dompet Dhuafa Bogor. This study uses a cross-sectional study design. The population in this study is all nurses who work at RST Dompet Dhuafa Bogor. The sample of this study was 86 nurses using total sampling. The data in this study used an instrument in the form of a questionnaire, then analysis was carried out using the Chi Square test with α=0.05. The results of the study showed that there was no relationship between job promotion and nurse performance (p-value 0.226), there was a significant relationship between responsibility and nurse performance (p-value 0.000), and there was no relationship between salary and nurse performance (p-value 0.244). There is a relationship between motivation and nurse performance, namely responsibility. Meanwhile, job promotions and salaries have nothing to do with nurse performance. Hospitals provide job promotions regularly every year, make regulations and policies or programs regarding discipline in services to be more responsible, and provide additional bonuses to nurses.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY WITH THE INCIDENCE OF PRIMARY DYSMENORRHEA IN SMAN 1 NORTH TAMBUN STUDENTS IN 2023 2024-10-03T16:45:38+07:00 Alliffiyola Lani Putri Nurfadhilah Dadang Herdiansyah Munaya Fauziah <p><em>The symptoms of a condition called dysmenorrhea include severe, painful cramps and lower abdominal cramping sensations. Primary dysmenorrhea is 72.89% common in Indonesia, but dysmenorrhea prevalence varies from 45% to 95% in women of reproductive age. It has been determined through research at SMAN 1 Tambun Utara that dysmenorrhea affects up to 65% of students with abnormal nutritional status and 39.3% of students with normal nutritional status. </em><em>The purpose of this study is to ascertain how the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea in SMAN 1 Tambun Utara students is related to their nutritional status and level of physical activity. A cross-sectional study design and quantitative analysis techniques were used in the investigation. 95 students made up the sample, which was chosen using the stratified random sampling technique. Two phases of data analysis—univariate and bivariate analysis—were used. The kai squared test with α = 0.05 was used to examine the data. The findings demonstrated a correlation between the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea and both physical activity (p-value = 0.000) and nutritional status (p-value = 0.000). The findings of this study suggest a relationship between the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea and physical activity and nutritional status. A balanced and nutritious diet, regular weight checks, regular exercise, and abstaining from unhealthy behaviors that can lead to primary dysmenorrhea are all healthy lifestyle choices that students aspire to.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding FACTORS RELATED TO THE INCIDENCE OF MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS (MSDSS) IN CONVECTION X HOME INDUSTRY WORKERS IN SOUTH TANGERANG CITY IN 2023 2024-08-29T16:00:55+07:00 Ghafira Nisa Ramadhanti Azizah Zen Andriyani Ernyasih <p><em>Disorders affecting bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves are referred to as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Around the world, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) account for 17% of Years Lived Disability (YLD). The purpose of this study was to identify the variables associated with the prevalence of MSDs. Thirty convection workers made up the sample for this cross-sectional study. Nordic Body Map questionnaires and REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) measurement observation sheets are used in this study's data collection method. A final REBA score of 5 was obtained from the pattern and sewing stages, indicating that the situation is at medium risk and requires improvement. This condition needs to be improved right now because the last stage findings yielded a final REBA score of 3, which indicates that it is low risk. According to REBA's evaluation, five respondents (16.7%) were at a high-risk level, whereas 23 respondents (76.7%) were at a moderate-risk level. According to MSD complaints, all employees (36.7%) had minor concerns, while 63.3 percent had moderate problems. The incidence of MSDs was correlated with age (p value=0.000), working period (p value=0.000), physical activity (p value=0.009), and work posture (p value=0.041). There was no correlation between smoking habits and the incidence of MSDs (p value=0.425) or between sex and the incidence of MSDs. </em><em>According to the REBA data, there is a moderate amount of risk (76.7%) associated with the worker's posture. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) were moderately prevalent (63.3%) in the NBM assessment. Numerous people mentioned complaints regarding their right shoulders, buttocks, waists, and backs. To meet the nutritional demands of employees who work longer shifts, there is a necessity for relaxation or stretching for one to two hours during or after work.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE FREQUENCY OF CONSUMPTION OF JUNK FOOD AND CONTEMPORARY DRINKS IN STUDENTS AT SMA SEJAHTERA 1 DEPOK 2024-08-30T14:23:07+07:00 Fairuz Mufidah Siti Riptifah Tri Handari Rusman Efendi Nurmalia Lusida <p><em>An indication of the body's adequate dietary intake and nutrient use is called nutritional status. Teenagers who are overweight face significant challenges. According to the 2018 West Java Province Health Profile, 10.9% of adolescents aged 16 to 18 were overweight, and 4.5% were obese. The district with the greatest prevalence of overnutrition, Depok, had an 18.1% prevalence. With a population of SMA Sejahtera 1 Depok pupils and a sample of 97 individuals chosen through purposive sampling, this study employed a cross-sectional design. Weight and height measurements were used to measure the dependent study variable, nutritional status, and a questionnaire was used to measure the independent variable. computer software for univariate and bivariate data analysis (Chi-Square test). According to the study's findings, 60.8% of respondents had better nutritional status. The frequency of consuming junk food (p-value = 0.704), modern beverages (p-value = 1.000), and nutritional status are unrelated. The conclusion is that there is no relationship between the frequency of consumption of junk food and the nutritional status of students, but teens who frequently consume junk food and modern beverages are more likely to be overweight or obese. Recommendations for students to focus more on their health and to watch what they eat and drink, avoiding contemporary drinks and junk food too frequently.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding ANALYSIS SUITABILITY THE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM AT FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH BUILDING MUHAMMADIYAH JAKARTA UNIVERSITY IN 2023 2024-10-03T16:50:02+07:00 Sarah Dyanti Fitria Ernyasih <p><em>Each building must have a fire protection system, both active and passive, according to the technical requirements of the building. Based on 2016 fire data from the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Fire and Disaster Management Service, from January 1 - August 21 2022 the number of fire incidents reached 8,004 cases. Meanwhile, in South Tangerang City throughout 2022 there were 62 fire cases. The total material losses from the fire cases experienced reached 5.5 billion. Based on 2016 fire data from the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Fire and Disaster Management Service, from January 1 - August 21 2022 the number of fire incidents reached 8,004 cases. Meanwhile, in South Tangerang City itself throughout 2022 there were 62 fire cases. The total material losses from the fire cases experienced reached 5.5 billion. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the Public Health Faculty Building's fire safety system at Muhammadiyah University in Jakarta. In-depth interviews and observation techniques are used in this qualitative, descriptive study. The Faculty of Public Health Building at Muhammadiyah University in Jakarta serves as the research site. Active protection systems, passive protection systems, and life-saving techniques are the variables under investigation. The general staff and the security staff were the two informants in this study. According to the research's findings, the active protection system complies fully with the specifications; nevertheless, one tool remains untested. The requirements are met by the passive protection system. There are still certain facilities that fall short of the standards, even though the life-saving facilities are fully compliant. All things considered, it satisfies the conditions outlined in Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 26/PRT/M/2008. According to this study, the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta Building's fire safety system satisfies all legal requirements.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding ANALYSIS OF FACTORS CAUSING WORK FATIGUE IN MYGAS FILLING WORKERS AT PT. X, SOUTH TANGERANG CITY IN 2023 2024-08-29T15:53:24+07:00 Rizky Wulandari Januar Ariyanto Triana Srisantyorini Dadang Herdiansyah <p><em>Work fatigue is one of the occupational safety and health issues that must be addressed thoroughly because it can lead to a decrease in productivity and work performance. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that more than 414 work accidents occur every day in Indonesia, 27.8% are caused by significant fatigue, and around 9.5% or 39% of work accident victims are disabled</em><em>. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that cause work fatigue in PT. X mygas filling workers in the city of South Tangerang 2023, this research was carried out starting from January 28 with </em><em>a cross-sectional design. The sample was taken with a total sampling technique of 38 respondents. The analysis was carried out bivariate through the chi-square test. With ethical number </em><em>10.063.B/KEPK-FKMUMJ/II/2023</em><em>. </em><em>As many as 39.6% of workers experienced moderate fatigue. The results of the bivariate test showed that there was a relationship between the age of 0.040 (p=0.05) and work fatigue in PT. X's mygas filling workers in the city of South Tangerang in 2023. And there was no relationship between gender 1,000 (p=0.05), working period 1,000 (0.05), work shift 0.571 (p=0.05) and sleep duration 0.305 (p=0.05) with work fatigue in mygas filling workers at PT. X. South Tangerang City 2023. </em><em>It is expected to complete the work according to physical ability and capacity. Make the most of your rest time to recover from physical fatigue due to repetitive work.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding ANALYSIS OF FACTORS RELATED TO JOB SATISFACTION OF NURSES IN THE INPATIENT INSTALLATION AT RSU TANGERANG SELATAN IN 2023 2024-08-28T14:07:37+07:00 Susi Lestari Hardiman SG <p><em> </em><em>An indication of effective management is job satisfaction, which is correlated with an individual's sentiments and attitudes regarding the job, pay, possibilities for advancement or education, coworkers, workload, and supervision. According to earlier studies, nurses in RSU Tangerang Selatan’s inpatient installation were influenced by their productive workload by 86.9% to 90.31 percent. Finding the relationship between the variables influencing nurses' job satisfaction in inpatient installations at RSU Tangerang Selatan in 2023 is the aim of this study. A cross-sectional design will be used for this investigation, which will be carried out in April 2023. A total of 59 respondents were used in the sampling process. The chi-square test was used to do the bivariate analysis. 52.5% of nurses believe that the pay structure is bad, 78% believe that training is bad, and 35.6% believe that promotions are bad. The bivariate test results indicated a correlation between pay and promotion (P = 0.014), work satisfaction, and compensation (P = 0.003). training (P = 0.403), indicating that there is no correlation between training and current satisfaction. According to the study, several factors might influence nurses' job satisfaction. Pay and promotions have a strong correlation with job satisfaction, which may raise concerns for the hospital. Hospitals are advised to focus more on the promotion and compensation structure. </em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH TIMELINESS OF RETURN OF MEDICAL RECORD DOCUMENTS FOR HOSPITALIZATION IN RSU TANGERANG SELATAN IN 2023 2024-10-03T16:47:59+07:00 Nur Asyah Jamilah Andriyani <p><em>In Indonesia, a significant portion of medical record files are still returned inaccurately. according to a study conducted at Medan's Estomihi Hospital, which found that 72.41% of returned medical record files were inaccurate. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how the promptness of returning medical record files relates to age, gender, education level, marital status, work shifts, duration of service, and work motivation. This kind of research uses a cross-sectional study design and is quantitative. 59 inpatient nurses made up the study's sample, and they underwent univariate and bivariate testing. The nurse's age (p-value = 0.014), sex (p-value = 0.220), education level (p-value = 0.011), marital status (p-value = 0.930), shift work (p-value = 0.020), tenure (p-value = 0.036), and work motivation (p-value = 0.029) are all related to the timeliness of returning medical record files. Age, education level, work shifts, years of service, and passion for one's job are all factors that affect how quickly medical record files are returned. However, there is no correlation between marital status and gender and how quickly medical record data are returned.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VULVA HYGIENE KNOWLEDGE AND BEHAVIOR AND THE INCIDENCE OF PRURITUS VULVAE IN ADOLESCENT GIRLS AT SMK PURNAMA 1 SOUTH JAKARTA IN 2023 2024-10-03T10:03:48+07:00 Aisya Triani Fadiya Nurfadhilah Nur Romdhona Hardiman SG <p><em>The most prevalent symptom of pruritus vulvae is the presence of itching in the female genital area, as evidenced by the fact that 5.2 million teenage girls in 17 Indonesian provinces frequently have problems that follow menstruation and are brought on by poor hygiene. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between the prevalence of vulva pruritus and vulva cleanliness behavior and knowledge. The study, which was carried out at SMK Purnama 1 South Jakarta, used a cross-sectional study design and a quantitative, analytical technique. A basic random sampling procedure was used to calculate the sample size, which came out to be 77 pupils. The chi-square test with α = 0.05 is used for data analysis. The findings revealed that up to 84.4% of those surveyed had pruritus vulvae. Furthermore, there was a correlation between the occurrence of vulva pruritus and knowledge (p-value = 0.007) as well as vulva cleanliness behavior (p-value = 0.003). The prevalence of vulva pruritus was significantly correlated with vulva cleanliness practice and knowledge. Additional resources, health professional advice, and consultations on reproductive health particularly vulva hygiene are required to prevent vulva pruritus in students. </em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding FACTORS RELATED TO THE INCIDENCE OF LOWER BACK PAIN IN DAILY FIELD WORKERS IN THE MAHATA SERPONG FLATS PROJECT IN 2024 2024-09-03T10:27:22+07:00 Adifa Nur Ma'rifah Nurfadhilah Dihartawan Luqman Effendi <p><em>One musculoskeletal condition is low back pain, which is defined as pain in the lower back that comes from the spine. In 2021, 12,914 people (3.71%) in Indonesia suffered from low back discomfort. The purpose of the study to ascertain the contributing causes to the prevalence of lower back pain among the Mahata Serpong Flats (Rusun) Project's daily field workers. kind of cross-sectional quantitative descriptive study design. Questionnaires, observation techniques, and the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) were used to gather data on low back pain. The study's sample consisted of 85 respondents, and the research methodology employs probability sampling with the kind of simple random sampling. The Chi-Square test of research analysis revealed a link. There was no correlation between low back pain and smoking status (p value = 0.068), physical activity (p value = 0.779), or working life (p value = 0.033), age (p value = 0.046), workload (p value = 0.022), or working hours (p value = 0.0003). Low back discomfort is correlated with working years, age, workload, and working hours. It is advised that employees use weight assistance, stretch in between tasks, and engage in frequent, appropriate, quantifiable exercise. </em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding FACTORS RELATED TO WORK FATIGUE IN OCBC TOWER CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FINISHING WORKERS AT PT BUANAMAJU HASTASENTOSA IN 2024 2024-12-20T16:37:34+07:00 Banny Adam Januar Ariyanto Dihartawan Luqman Effendi <p><em>Work fatigue is a problem in the field of Occupational Health and safety that can be one of the factors in workplace accidents. In 2018, there were 173,105 cases in the management and construction industry. With one of the factors causing the occurrence is the condition of fatigue at work. In 2013, and 65% of the workforce experienced physical fatigue. This study aims to determine the factors associated with work fatigue at PT Buanamaju Hastasentosa workers where finishing work is done at night because it is done when employees go home from work and many construction workers are overtime because the work has not been completed. The population of this study is all workers of PT Buanamaju Hastasentosa as many as 60 workers who work in the finishing project OCBC tower South Jakarta. Data analysis of this study using the chi square assay α =0.05. The results showed that workers who experience severe fatigue there are 24 (40%) workers there and the calculation of the bivairiat test obtained age (p-value=0.023), smoking status (p-vaue=0.035), sleep quality (p-value=0.027), between periods of work (p-value=0.087). Conclusion in this study there is a relationship between age, smoking status and sleep quality with work fatigue and there is no relationship between the length of work with work fatigue. The author's suggestion is that there are still workers who experience severe fatigue, to reduce fatigue, the company can provide training to prevent work fatigue.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE AND THE BEHAVIOR OF HEIGHT WORKERS AT PT. X ON THE BINTARO XCHANGE II PROJECT IN 2023 2024-11-29T09:51:00+07:00 Hariyanti Azizah Zen Munaya Fauziah Triana Srisantyorini <p><em>As Reported by the International Labour Organization (ILO), about 380,000 workers, or 13.7% of the 2.78 million workers, die from workplace accidents or occupational diseases each year. In addition, more than 374 million people are injured or sick each year. Data from the International Labour Organization (ILO) shows that every year around 380,000 workers or 13.7% of the 2.78 million workers die due to workplace accidents or occupational diseases. And more than 374 million people are injured, injured or fall ill each year as a result of accidents with workers. Types of analytical descriptive research with quantitative approaches and cross sectional study designs (potong lintang). Data gathering by lifting, analysis by chi square. The sampling technique uses the Total Sampling method. The population is the total of the 75 height workers in PT. X.</em> <em>According to the results of the analysis, there are 8 (10.7%) employees with less knowledge, 30 (40%) workers with sufficient knowledge and 37 (49.3%) employees with good knowledge. The age picture is known as 50 (66.7%) employees who are ≤ 40 years old and 25 (33.3%) workers who are &gt; 40 years of age. The education picture is 16 (21.3%) people with an educated level of middle school and 59 (78.7%) people with a high school education. The behaviour picture is 38 (50.7%) workers with unsafe behavior and 37 (4.9%) people who have safe behaviors. The results of the bi-variant test on the independent variable relate to the dependent variable, covering the frequency of knowledge with a p value of 0.018, the age with a P value of 0.009, and education with the p value 0.004.</em> <em>Factors related to employee behavior are knowledge, age and education. A suggestion for PT. X to hold a socialization on K3 every month (potentially hazardous, full APD area or other K3 information through posters, banners or other information media).</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding FACTORS RELATED TO THE PERCEPTION OF EARLY MARRIAGE AMONG STUDENTS AT SMA NEGERI 3 TOBOALI SOUTH BANGKA DISTRICT 2024-10-03T16:51:53+07:00 Amelia Meda Septira Dadang Herdiansyah Munaya Fauziah Nurfadhilah <p><em>Early marriage can have many negative impacts, one of which is the health impact on the mother such as the risk of miscarriage and death, while the babies born are vulnerable to stunting and malnutrition. Finding the variables associated with students' perceptions of early marriage at SMA N 3 Toboali, South Bangka Regency, is the goal of this study. A cross-sectional study design is used in this investigation. The study was carried out between November 2023 and January 2024. Students of SMA Negeri 3 Toboali, South Bangka Regency, made up the research population. The research sample consisted of 83 respondents, and the sampling technique was complete sampling. A survey was used to collect the research data. The chi-square test was employed in bivariate data analysis51 (61.4%) of the respondents had unfavorable opinions. Forty respondents (48.2%) had a strong understanding of reproductive health. Of the respondents, 44 (53%) had parents who made more than $1 million. Peer pressure influenced the opinions of 46 individuals (55.4%) about early marriage. A total of 49 people (59%) chose mass media as a factor that supports the perception of early marriage. Based on statistical tests, it was found that the variables related to student perceptions at SMAN 3 Toboali, South Bangka Regency were knowledge of reproductive health (p=0.011) and mass media (p=0.007). Factors related to the perception of early marriage among students at SMAN 3 Toboali, South Bangka Regency are knowledge of reproductive health and mass media. In this case, education is needed from schools and health workers regarding the negative impacts of early marriage.</em></p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding THE RELATIONSHIP OF WORK DISCIPLINE, WORK MOTIVATION, JOB SATISFACTION, AND WORK ENVIRONMENT TO EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MEDICAL RECORDS IN ISLAMIC HOSPITALS JAKARTA CEMPAKA PUTIH 2024-10-03T16:52:48+07:00 Abul A'la Al Maududi Shafa Kemala Fitri <p><em>Employee performance is quite important for the success of an organization in a highly competitive world of work, as for factors that influence performance, namely discipline, motivation, satisfaction, and environment. This study's goal was to ascertain how RSIJ Cempaka Putih Medical Records personnel's performance was impacted by their work environment, motivation, discipline, and job satisfaction. Methods: This kind of research is quantitative and uses a cross-sectional methodology. 48 employees of RSIJ Cempaka Putih who worked in medical records made up the study's population and were used as respondents (total sampling). The chi-square correlation test indicates a p = 0.007 (p &lt; 0.05) association between work discipline and employee performance. employee performance and job motivation, with p = 0.000 (p &lt; 0.05). employee performance and job satisfaction, with p = 0.001 (p &lt; 0.05). impact of the workplace on worker performance, with p = 0.013 (p &lt; 0.05). In conclusion, employee performance is influenced by work environment, job happiness, work motivation, and work discipline. To enhance employee performance in the future, it is anticipated that workers will focus on elements that can enhance their performance rather than just the variables in this study. Additionally, RSIJ Cempaka Putih should provide greater attention and oversight to its staff members, both in terms of work motivation and work discipline.</em></p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding EFFECT OF INTERACTIVE PREGNANCY EDUCATION (IPE) ON STRESS LEVELS AMONG PRIMIGRAVID TRIMESTER III PREGNANT WOMEN 2025-01-07T23:32:09+07:00 Elli Hidayati Syahrul Rauf Mochammad Hatta Sonny T. Lisal Fatimah Hamidah <p><em>The Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is an indicator in determining the health level of a country. Infant mortality is caused by various health problems, especially since the gestation period, even starting before the gestation period. Stress during pregnancy affects the motor, cognitive and emotional development of the baby. This study aims to determine the effect of Interactive Pregnancy Education (IPE) on levels in third trimester primigravida pregnant women. This research is a quasi-experimental study using a nonequivalent control group design. This research was conducted in the Kemayoran and Cempaka Putih Community Health Centers in DKI Jakarta from December 2021 to completion. The samples were 30 third trimester primigravida pregnant women for the intervention and control groups. Data were analyzed using the Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon tests with SPSS 22 software. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the median stress scores in the control group before and after the median decreased after the intervention and the difference in the median stress scores before and after the intervention in the intervention group was greater than the control group, which decreased to 6.50. This shows that IPE is effective in reducing stress in pregnant women who have previously had stress with high stress scores.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding THE RELATIONSHIP OF PRAYER MOVEMENT WITH LOW BACK PAIN: LITERATURE REVIEW 2024-12-21T20:35:11+07:00 Fahira Jannataynidan Tanisya Dwi Maulida <p><em>Low Back Pain (LBP) or commonly referred to Nyeri Punggung Bawah is a musculoskeletal disorder that is usually caused by poor body activity. LBP can also be caused by various musculoskeletal diseases, psychological disorders and improper mobilization. Another cause is physical factors, namely improper position while sitting, sleeping or standing for a long time can also cause LBP complaints. This research aims to study the relationship between prayer practices and muscle flexibility to understand its potential impact on LBP. The design used in this study is a literature review. In this study, we used databases such as Google Scholar with the keywords Low Back Pain, prayer movements, and literature review, Prayer movements consisting of certain postures such as standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting, can contribute to muscle flexibility through balanced muscle performance. Proper execution of prayer postures, especially the act of bowing, can help maintan spinal alignment, improve blood circulation, and prevent spinal disorders, which can potentially affect LBP.</em><em> Suggestions for this study can use a more varied database to get more literature from around the world. In addition, future studies can use research designs such as systematic review, cross-sectional, or other studies that can see the relationship between prayer movements and LBP.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding THE EFFECT OF WORK ENVIRONMENT AND WORK EXPERIENCE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT THE FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JAKARTA IN 2024 2024-12-13T19:41:00+07:00 Fayyaza Zakaria <p><em>Performance is the result of a person's overall work in a certain period of time. To provide a good opportunity for employees to achieve their career ambitions, employee performance must be evaluated. The purpose of this study is to find out how employee performance is affected by the work environment and experience. Employees of the Faculty of Public Health, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta became the research population, and the research design was cross-sectional with data collection through questionnaires. With a sample of thirty employees, the sampling method used in this study is accidental sampling. The findings of the univariate analysis showed that half of the employees had excellent performance (50.0%), more than half of the employees stated that the work environment was excellent (53.3%), and almost half of the employees had excellent work experience (43.3%). Creating a more comfortable workplace and a more advanced work experience can improve employee performance.</em></p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding